Born with this voice

A door opened for a new way for me to continue being creative. Hopefully, those who read it will come away with a deeper understanding of finding a way forward while being different.

As I mention, the door is open for me to explore a genre I have long enjoyed as a reader. One thing I’ve noticed in my approach to writing is that I find myself applying the tools I once used as a painter. However, I cannot help but conclude that tools can be more than their intended application.

Another observation is that I write what I know and am interested in at the time. I’m glad and thankful for the decades as a paintress because I understood a profound truth as I searched for my voice. This truth is simple; our voices are innate, original and the best version of ourselves.

I admire a significant number of writers, yet, what I strive for is to write in my voice. Perspective is different from one individual o the next. No two of us see the world the same. Yet, my writing possesses the same familiar energy that I used to observe in my drawings and paintings. With this understanding of myself, my approach and how I interpret what my sense come in contact with, I know that I am on the right track. Everything else is simply getting the work done.

I’m presently writing my first thriller, more of a psychological thriller. And like many of my paintings, it’s filled with LGBTQ+ people and their lives. For those who know me better as a paintress, I think you will recognize a familiar gaze, only this time, chills and suspense are front and centre. Hopefully, you will keep following my progress and keep in touch as I explore this new universe.

Gillian Knight


Trans Representation in Literature