I DID The Thing!

I guess I should start by saying that, yes, indeed, I have completed my first novel, a crime thriller. I was made aware that only about three percent of people who start writing a novel actually go on to finish it. I can state that, for me, it has been a marathon with as many downs as there have been ups. I got the job done, and I am proud. Of course, I am most proud of choosing to create a main character, who is a trans woman. She is queer, and so are her friends.

The novel has been through many drafts, a full-on critique by another writer, a few beta readers, plus a developmental edit. I have poured over the manuscript so often that I know the story backwards. I know that my first thriller may never see the light of day. This is why I continue to write, because I can only get better. I do believe with all my heart in the quality of my writing and of the story plot and characters. Maybe an agent or a publisher sees one of my query letters and is interested enough to give it a deeper look. That would be a dream come true, but if it doesn’t happen, I will keep doing what I have come to love—write.

So, I did the thing! I managed to finish my first novel. Now, I am sending off query letters to agents and publishers. I am not stopping here, not by a long shot. I’m well into the second installment to follow THE RAINBOW KILLER, A MARY DUBOIS THRILLER. And if that wasn’t sufficient, work is started on a third and possibly a fourth novel.

Joelle Circé


The Logline broke my brain.


Ascending darkness.