Joelle Circé

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Steps toward a polished novel!

I’ve been working on my debut novel for over two years. When I completed the first draft, I was so excited that it obfuscated everything that needed significant fixes. I would share it with a friend or two, not knowing what to expect. It didn’t take long to realize that I was far from having a polished novel.

What I did have was a first draft. The premise and other aspects were already good, even if they lacked clarity. Then came the second draft, and again, I was sure I had improved upon it and that it was ready for prime time. Sadly, I was wrong. Happily, I was starting to understand what a draft was, and I got back to work. I learned of beta readers and critique groups and was fortunate to receive help on those fronts, and my novel kept on looking better, approaching the story in my mind. Now, with many such drafts, I knew that I had personally brought this thriller as far as I could for now.
I needed professional help—an editor to help me elevate my novel. Two days ago, I did just that: I hired an editor who will review my manuscript and make suggestions that I will consider and act on if they align with my vision. I hope the editor will spot inconsistencies, unnecessary details, pacing, any remaining information dumps, story development, and character depth.

Not all writers/authors use editors, and that’s fine. It’s about creating something I can stand behind with pride. Now, while I wait for the editor to get to work on my novel, the earliest they will get to it is in a few weeks . Then, it could take up to a month before they finish it and get back to me with a comprehensive breakdown of what they found. That’s when I rewrite and bring this baby the shine it deserves.

I’m glad I persevered and didn't give up. The learning arc was steep but not overly so, and I admire anyone who has ever written a novel. It is not for the faint of heart. Am I going to wait for the editor to get back to me? Hell no. I’m working on the second installment of the Mary Dubois Thrillers. I am looking forward to sharing my novel(s) with you.

Joelle Circé